Stop Chasing Shiny Objects!

Beatrice Adenodi
October 16, 2024

Have you ever wondered how you ended up where you are as an entrepreneur? That awkward space where your dream life and reality just don’t vibe? It certainly didn’t start that way! You broke free from the 9-to-5 grind to have more time for your loved ones (and some well-deserved "me-time"). More than anything, you craved to do what you wanted, when you wanted, and how you wanted—freedom was the name of the game!

You took the plunge, started hustling for yourself, and contracts began rolling in. Sure, they were small, but hey, they were contracts! You said yes to everything because when money's on the table, who says no? Your first taste of freedom came with a side order of hope; the ‘American Dream’ was finally within reach! Everyone talks about it, but very few actually chase it—yet here you are!

Life was looking pretty snazzy. Clients were knocking at your door, and your contract cycle had become as routine as your coffee breaks. Months blended into years, and while you were grateful for the work, that dream of freedom started feeling more like a mirage. You found yourself buried in tasks with little time for that shiny ‘me-time’ you had envisioned. You had been consistent, but also tiny, and now you’re looking around thinking, “What happened?”

I was in that same boat a few years back—months turned into years stuck in a contract rut. Sure, it was great for building experience, but I hit a plateau. I was thankful for every contract that landed on my desk, but something felt off. I kept chasing contracts, staying small, hoping I’d accidentally discover the secret sauce to reach the next level. Instead, I was overwhelmed with work, my days looking suspiciously like that 9-to-5 I was desperate to escape. I went from being desk-bound to working myself into the ground. The change was in order—I was at a crossroads, either figure this out or head back to the corporate world I wanted to forget. Spoiler alert: I didn’t want to go back!

So, I hit the pause button. Took a step back to reflect and ask the tough questions. I gave myself a year to turn my business around, and if I flopped, it was back to the cubicle for me. The first step? Taking stock of what I’d built over the years. I assessed my wins and where I needed to step up my game. Next, I crafted a plan. It became crystal clear that personal development was my focus area. I’d always been hesitant to invest in my growth as an entrepreneur, thinking the cost would scare me away. But that mindset kept me stuck at the same level. So, I decided to invest in my weaknesses and sought the support I needed to level up my skills. Surprisingly, with a solid plan and laser focus, my business started picking up steam in just six months!

Taking your business to the next level requires intentional mindset shifts and key changes. All of which you can easily make if you focus. Here are four key lessons I picked up along the way:

What is your WHY?:  I mean this sincerely: your business isn’t going anywhere without a muse or a mission. You can’t reach your promised land or elite status by simply saying you want to make more money—well, duh! So, let’s get real: what problem are you solving, and why should anyone care?

Know there is enough food on the table: Grasping this concept can feel like catching smoke with your bare hands! It sounds simple—after all, we’ve been conditioned to think that only the cream rises to the top, leaving the rest of us in survival mode. But here’s the kicker: that’s a total myth! Hello, abundance alert! There’s plenty of resources and food to go around. Don’t let outdated, toxic mindsets keep you from snagging your dreams! Get that bag! 💰✨

You cant do this alone! It's time to COLLABORATE: Alright, here’s a sticky situation! You can build empires without a trusty TEAM or strategic partners, but let’s be honest—your inner critic is probably whispering, “Can I trust this person?” Well, guess what? Trust is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. You attract what you radiate. So, if you want to roll with the top dogs, you’ve got to become the dream version of yourself and strut your stuff. The right people will appear like they’ve been waiting for your grand entrance!

Put in the Work!: The best door to strut through? The FRONT door, of course! Forget the side and back entrances—those are for sneaking in. If you want success, you’ve got to invest in yourself and put in the work. No more half-assing your way to the top! Those who do usually end up depleted, bankrupt, and stepping on toes just to climb higher. Don’t be the person people gossip about for cutting corners! It’s time to snag that quality Business Coach you’ve been eyeing. Let’s turn those dreams into reality!

Stop the endless chase of clients and contracts that don’t match your vibe—it's like running in circles! Consider this your wake-up call: your next level is waiting. So, let’s level up and make it happen NOW! 🚀

If you are ready to reach your next level, get your copy of my latest book, ‘Mindless Behaviors: Breaking Through Unseen Barriers.’

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